Who Are We?
Vision of US is an activism organization group with a mission to empower fellow Generation Z-er's. We’re a group of three Gen Z Wheaton College MA students with a passion for progress. Join our cause and get informed on the problems facing us today, ways that you can take action, and remember:
“Activism looks different for every single person, and you can be an activist in any way that works for you”

Who exactly is Gen Z? (Besides, of course, the generation that will change the world)
Gen Z is classified as the generation born from around 1995-2015. We are the first generation to be born completely into a world of technology which is why many people even classify us as the i-Gen. In fact, we observe an average of 5 different screens per day and are well known for our use of various social media platforms like Instagram, memes, Tik Tok, Fortnite/Minecraft, and Snapchat, among many other forms of social media.
We also have the shortest attention span of any living generation (an average of 8 sec), but that’s just because we have so much on our minds at once. We may be undermined by Boomers, Gen X, and Millenials, but I can assure you we are capable of greatness!
We bring a lot of new traits to the table which make us interesting and unique from other preceding generations, particularly Millennials. We are competitive, independent, futuristic, smart, visual, social, and adopters. Most importantly, we care about activism.
Research states that this generation feels that the most effective ways of creating change are not passive ways (participating in a movement on social media or signing a petition), but active ways (volunteering, participating in a public protest, donating money to a cause). We feel that we don’t have the proper opportunities and resources to do these things, in fact, 55% of Gen Zers said they don’t participate in active ways because they don’t know who to contact or support groups to get involved. That’s where Vision of US can help!
Our Mission
Our mission is to motivate members of Gen Z to become more involved in advocacy.

Our Vision
Our vision is to make the world a better place, one advocate at a time.
1MacColl, M. (2019, May 2). These Statistics On Gen Z & Activism Will Make You Wish You Did More As A Teen. Retrieved from https://www.bustle.com/p/statistics-on-gen-z-activism-show-they-want-to-get-involved-they-just-need-to-know-how-17179280
2 www.mathgiraffe.com/uploads/4/3/0/4/43044167/teaching-gen-z-infographic_orig.jpg
3 https://infographicworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/what-is-generation-z.png
4 The Irregular Report by Irregular Labs. (2019, April 11). The Irregular Report: Gender, Activism, and Gen Z. Retrieved from https://medium.com/irregular-labs/the-irregular-report-gender-activism-and-gen-z-f8728212ef19